Saturday, December 20, 2014

A Moment in California by: Danielle Wright Blog Tour with Review & Interview

Title: A Moment in California (Book 2 of Moments)
Author: Danielle Wright
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publication Date: Mid December 2014

Lost in the comfort and safety of Jayden, Tenley Clarkson has found her happiness. Despite the troubles in her past, their romance has given her the chance to have her happily ever after. That was until one moment shattered her fairytale. After receiving the news of her father’s illness, Tenley makes the heart breaking decision to leave Paris and return to her father. But leaving Paris means leaving Jayden – a sacrifice she has to make.

Jayden Matthews has known it from the moment he met Tenley. She is the love of his life. He knows that her past makes it hard for her to trust in anyone, and even harder for her to allow herself to be happy. Jayden feels the love that Tenley has for him. He sees the trust that she has placed in him. Now, he just needs the chance to help her break down her walls and see it for herself. Tenley’s sudden decision to leave doesn't give Jayden that chance. But he isn't about to let Tenley slip through his fingers. He loves her too much to let her walk away and will prove that she is worth the fight. Prove that he loves her beyond real, beyond crazy, beyond forever.

As their pasts continue to threaten their future, Jayden and Tenley drown in a constant battle of wills. Tenley refuses to let Jayden sacrifice his dreams for her, even if that means letting him go. They've both learned that one moment is all it takes to fall in love. But what happens when one moment shatters your world? When the love that Jayden and Tenley share is put to the ultimate test, can they learn to trust in each other and in their love?

One decision
One sacrifice
One Moment…..

A Moment in California (Book 2 of Moments)
Overall Rating ***** Stars

WOW!!!! Danielle has done it again with book 2. This book was very well written, and so good. I was not able to put it down. So you will need to read book one. If not you might not get it right away. I love her characters, they felt real and were believable. Tenley and Jayden are just perfect together but like all couples they have their rough spots. But other than that they are just the perfect book couple. All you want is for them to have a HEA. I love the secondary characters also. I really think Danielle has grown as an author and readers really need to discover her, because you will not be disappointed. I am so proud of her and I recommend this series. I promise you will not be able to put down her books. Great job!

Danielle Wright was born in California, but raised in Colorado where she currently resides. She has one younger brother and is close to her family. She loves to read, and has had that passion from a very young age, love stories always being her favorite. She has always loved telling stories and often found herself making up her own stories to tell. Danielle loves the idea that a story, even for just a little while, takes the reader away from everyday life and puts them in a world that they could only dream of. She truly believes that a good book will stay with you and even has the power to change your life. Once she decided to no longer let fear get in her way, Danielle began to bring her dream worlds to life, first as an escape for herself and then, hoping that someday, someone, somewhere, will find their escape in her world.

Danielle values her family and friends above anything else. When she is not reading or writing you can find her hanging out with her family, watching football, The Voice, Greys Anatomy, Sons of Anarchy or going to the movies or concerts with friends. She is a huge country music fan, although her favorite band is Maroon 5 and she has a major crush on Adam Levine. She loves anything Disney, and still believes in magic, fairy tales and true love. She wants her readers to remember to smile, nothing horrible lasts forever. Also, that every moment is important because you never know which moment is going to change your life. 

My Interview!!!
1.) So can you tell us how you came up with the idea for this book? The Title?
The idea for this book, was just a continuation from the first. Their story began in Paris but was too good to fit it all into one book, which is why it carried over into California. There are lots of ‘moments’ in Tenley and Jayden’s lives that make them who they are, build their relationship and trust. It took them a moment in Paris to realize they were in love, now in California, they have to figure out if their love is worth the fight, the trust, and the surrender. The moments that take place in California test who they are as individuals and who they can be as a couple.
2.) Who is your favorite character in this book and why?
That would be Jayden, hands down. He is just so sweet and protective, I just love him. However Brandon and Lacey come in a close second, always willing to give their friends the perspectives they need.
3.) Is this book different from the others you have written in the past? If so how?
No, since this is only my second book, and it’s a continuation it’s the same. However my new project is vastly different to this one.
4.) What is your favorite genre to write and why?
Romance. There is so much bad in the world that surrounds us every day, and I like to be able to escape into a fantasy world where things may be bad at parts but in the end you get the happily ever after you dream about. Everyone wants happiness and to believe in something, so why not give them happy love filled books. Just because reality may not be like this does not mean that a fantasy world can’t be.
5.) Does your family and friends read your book?
Yes they do. One of my friends read Paris in a day and then called me to yell at me about the way I ended it. Another sent me text messages threating me that I had better make everything ok in the next book or I was going to be disowned. My parents read it and my mom enjoyed it once she was able to separate the fact that her daughter wrote it. I have to say the best one was my dad. I never expected him to read it but he did, and he had me laughing the whole time. He totally does not get the romance book world, so he had convinced himself that Jayden was a stalker, which just made me laugh. It was fun for me to have them read it, scary as all get out, but still fun. I do get nervous about them reading but I like I said its fun.
6.) What are you currently working on? Do you have a release date yet? Title?
Currently, I am working on a darker story. ‘Protecting my Hart’ this one is not hearts and magic and fairytales. This one deals with bad stuff, abuse, serious self-doubt and it’s not pretty. Some of it is hard to read. I am hoping to release it in 2015.
7.) What inspired you to become an author?
It’s my escape. I started writing for me, creating my own fantasy world where I could control what happened. I had no intentions what so ever to publish this story. It was just for me, all mine. Then a few people read it and liked it and told me I should look into publishing it. So I did and discovered self-publishing. I am not looking to get rich off this, it’s just something I enjoy doing and even if just one other person enjoys the story, even half as much as I do, then it’s worth it.
8.) Tell us a little about yourself.
Me? Well I’m a hopeless romantic and I love Happily Ever Afters. My family and friends are the most important to me and there is nothing I would not do for them. I enjoy reading and writing of course. I love Maroon 5 and Adam Levine. I am a huge Disney fanatic, people think I’m crazy. I love Pizza and Dr. Pepper. Sunflower Seeds are my vice when I’m anxious or concentrating. I love country music and some rap as well. I can just about quote Pitch Perfect word for word and I love to sing and dance. (I’m not very good but that is beside the point.) I also am a big football and hockey fan.
This or That: (Just for Fun)
1.) Erotic Novels or New Adult? Erotic
2.) Paranormal or Sci-fi? Paranormal
3.) Cat or Dog? Cat
4.) Night or Day?
5.) Winter or Summer?
6.) Vampires or Werewolf?

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