Monday, December 1, 2014

His for the Holiday by: Cherry Shephard Release Day Blitz

Now Available on Amazon!
Grab your copy today!

Angel Lambert has never forgotten her first love…. 

When Riley Anderson left her broken hearted, she swore she would never allow a man to hurt her again. 
Eight years later she returns home for Christmas, and is forced to face him once more.... But Riley swears he's changed, and begs her for the chance to prove it. 
Angel is wary, but the feelings she'd buried long ago begin to surface, making it impossible for her to say no.

How can Angel remain distant, when Riley threatens to tear down the walls she built around her heart?

About the Author:
Cherry Shephard knew she wanted to write romance novels from the time she was a teenager, when she read her mother's copy of The Last Viking by Sandra Hill under her blankets with a torch. 

At age 28, she finally penned her debut novella, Masquerade. This was quickly followed by Unmasked. Cherry is currently writing several full length novels.

Currently residing in sunny Queensland, Australia, with her partner Patrick, three children and her dogs and cats. When she's not writing, Cherry is an avid horror movie buff and WWE fan. 

You can find out more about Cherry at

Find Cherry also on Facebook and Twitter!

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