Friday, December 19, 2014

More Than a Memory by: Amber Nation Cover Reveal

Cover Reveal
Book Title: More Than A Memory Author: Amber Nation Genre: Contemporary Romance Release Date: January 2015 Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions
Synopsis Disappearing without a word, Eden Richardt fled from her naïve former life in Oregon to start anew in the Midwest. Being a morning radio show host, she’s got a lot going for her except finding someone to share her life with. In that aspect, no one seemed to compare to the one. Having absolutely no desire to step foot back in her hometown of Cottage Grove, her decision was swayed with an invitation to her high school reunion and solidified after receiving a letter from her first and only love from her past. Living his life the best way he knows how, Baylor Jenkins spends his time running the family plumbing business, after giving up his dream to be an Architect, and raising his almost teenage daughter solely without the help of his ex-wife. In the back of his mind he knows something was missing from his otherwise enjoyable life. But that something was actually a someone who disappeared after graduation; a former best friend turned lover. Locking eyes after fifteen long years raises deep emotions and unanswered questions: What happened to make Eden run? Could their love for each other still exist? Or will their past time together be nothing more than a memory? excerpt  
“Bentley is Bentley, I suppose. I’m a hard ass on him only because it keeps him out of trouble.” You could see the pressure that was on Baylor’s shoulders, he was weighted down with not only being a father but the only dependable son. “Now since you are bombarding me with questions, it’s now my turn…” I immediately held my breath almost as if I was waiting for the blow that was bound to occur. “Why did you run off last night?” My lungs deflated as my breath fled from my lips. “No, wait. The question that I really want to know is what happened to you fifteen years ago? Why did you run off?”
There it was, the blow that I had been anticipating since arriving here and now that the elephant in the room had finally been addressed, my wall that I had strongly built was obliterated into a pile of useless bricks. My anger spiked and I slammed down my now empty mug on the bathroom counter. “You think you have the right to ask me that?” I shouted.
“You’re damn straight I do!” He raised from his crouched down position and took a step between us, closing the distance as he grabbed ahold of my hand. “That was supposed to be our time, our summer Edie.” Oh God, why now? I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. Why of all the opportunities that he’s had did he chose now to call me Edie?
Teaser MTAM teaser Meet the Author Amber is a stay at home mom currently residing in Southern Indiana with her husband and two beautiful daughters. If she's not shopping, going to concerts or on road trips, or having her nose stuck in a book, you'll often find her at the ball field watching one of the numerous sports that her girls are involved in. She is the author of the contemporary romance Brown County Series, titles include Not Alone, Runaway Love, How To Save A Life, and Unconditionally (M/M). Follow her on Twitter @nation_amber, on Facebook at, on Pinterest at Ber2885, and check out her website at Social Links
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