Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Second Life of Magnolia Mae by: Angela Schroeder Release Day Blitz


Title: The Second Life of Magnolia Mae Author: Angela Schroeder Genre: Young Adult Release Date: December 2 Publisher: Blue Tulip Publishing

the second life of magnolia mae 500x750   Synopsis Magnolia Mae has always had strange dreams, even before her parents died in a car crash leaving her older brother to raise her. Only a few weeks before Halloween and her eighteenth birthday the dreams start to come more frequently, her life seems even more chaotic than usual and the guilt that she did not stop her parents’ death is beginning to tear her apart. The only one who has never treated her like an outcast is handsome Bash, the boy whose eyes have haunted nearly all of her dreams. As Halloween draws closer Magnolia enlists the help of her brother and Bash to try to discover what these dreams mean. Why does it feel like she has lived what she sees and why are Bash’s eyes in every dream? 51289-add-to-goodreads-button  
The Second Life of Magnolia Mae Teaser 1
Excerpt “Why is it just standing there?” The memories of her dream creeped up on her. “I’ve seen it before.” It came out in a whisper. Jace reached for her blanket and laid it across her shivering shoulders. She pulled it tightly around her, searching for a form of comfort. “In my dreams, Jace, that wolf is in my dreams. I know because of the silver over its eye.” Her eyes went wide and stared up into her brother’s face. “It can’t be.” “I know what I saw.” Fire shot through her eyes at the thought of her brother doubting her. “That’s the wolf in my dreams. It’s always there, in every single one. Why?” The long low howl caused her to jump away from the window. “I don’t know, M&M, I don’t know. Maybe it has something to do with Dad.” His golden-brown eyes looked over at her wall. The mural had been there for years; it had been studied and memorized by the both of them, especially since their parents died. In the far distance of the forest there was a wolf sleeping. Magnolia had always thought it was sweet that her father had painted animals in the forest, but the wolf was the only one sleeping. “It is right there. Right there in front of you this entire time. Maybe Dad was trying to tell you something.” “Tell me what? That I would have awful dreams about a wolf? Jace, that doesn’t…” Her voice trailed off as she walked to the mural and crouched down before it. The wolf in the painting had the same silver mark. “Tell me what, Jace?” Her voice raised. He sat next to her. “Maybe we need to start going through their things in the attic. Maybe he had a journal or something.” She knew from the tone of her brother’s voice that there was something else. Something he was not telling her. “Jace, what do you know?” The muscle in his jaw clenched then relaxed. “When we were younger, Dad used to tell us legends of his people. He loved to tell you about a young girl who was thought to save them from a life of being outcasts, running from place to place. A girl who had a wolf for a guardian. She was supposed to save them all. She was their princess. Though they had no kingdom, they were forced to travel from place to place, searching for a land to call their own. Something happened to her, but I don’t remember what. It was something terrible, and the wolf has been searching for her ever since.” “The wolf never died?” An eyebrow shot up into the air skeptically. “It’s a legend, M&M. What do you expect?” He shrugged his shoulders and leaned against the wall. “What if that wolf has really been searching for her all this time?”   Playlist [spotify id="spotify:user:12143457697:playlist:2q8FZyA8kSjqaF5TB4795T" width="300" height="380" /]   The Second Life of Magnolia Mae Teaser 2   Author Bio Angela Schroeder is a single mother of three. She was born and raised in Iowa in a river town known for its pearl buttons. Having four siblings she never lacked for someone to play with, as she grew older she found herself pulled into books and writing more and more. Her parents are her heroes, her siblings her confidants and tormentors and her children are a wonderful blessing. Church is important to her children and her. They enjoy the friendships they've made with the people there. Writing has always been a passion. Her first experience was in fifth grade when she went to a one day writing conference. After that she knew it was something she wanted to pursue.
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