Monday, February 2, 2015

Cupid by: Jade Eby & Kenya Wright Cover Reveal

Title: Cupid
Authors: Jade Eby & Kenya Wright
Cover Design: Jackie Sheats
 Release Date: February 13, 2015


The papers call him Cupid, the masked man who’s murdered five. His specialty is broken love, and he shows no signs of stopping what he does best: killing.

Diana Carson is determined to find out who Cupid really is, and millionaire Asher Campbell is giving her the financial backing for the investigation. 

Plus, he has his own reasons in controlling Cupid's identity.

Together, they embark on a journey to find Cupid, but can they do it before they destroy each other? 

And is the hunt really worth the kill?

Jade Eby

Once upon a time there was a little girl who fell in love with books then she grew up to write her own.

Jade has participated in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) seven times and enjoys copious amounts of coffee. When she's not writing, she enjoys trashy reality T.V. and reading everything she can get her hands on.

Mommy to two dogs and two naughty kitties, she feels like she might be on her way to having a zoo. You can find her on almost every social networking site that aids in her procrastination.

Author Links


Kenya Wright

Writer. Lover. Foodie. Mother. Book Addict.
Masturbator. Comedian. Super Hero. Blogger.
Professional Adventurer.

Author Links



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