Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Sweet Temptation of Whiskey by: Charlene M. Martin Blog Tour

Stone Black is a successful businessman who has demons in his closet. He is broken- maybe even beyond repair. He has never been in a successful relationship, because he doesn’t let anyone get close enough.
Anaya Cole has recently come into money and she is looking to invest. Mr. Black offers to help Anaya invest her inheritance So that she can open her abuse center.
Their attraction is overwhelming, but Anaya doesn’t want to want him. After all he’s a man-whore.
Ms. Cole has penetrated my mind and I just can’t seem to get her out of it. I have to have her, so have her I will. If it’s the last goddamn thing I ever do. I will screw her until she can’t walk and I will move on with my life just like I have always done.
Once Anaya tastes the whiskey on his breath, she can’t stop. She craves more, and when her head and her heart collide, she is left with an important decision – walk away or risk being burned?
After all, Whiskey never felt so good.

Stone Black
       A loud Whack erupts as the leather slaps her thighs. Shudders rip through me as he screams, “You dirty fucking whore!” and he brings the belt across her ass, her strangled cries pierce my soul.
Through her tears she begs, “Stop! Please! You’re hurting me.” 
He ignores her requests and hits her again, smack right across her tear streaked face with his open fist. Her body quivers, as he yells once again, “Shut the fuck up!” I anxiously stare as he unzips his fly. Wraps his hands around his dick and shoves it in her face. “Suck my dick you filthy bitch!” She turns her head in disgust intentionally disobeying his request, but he forcefully grips her chin turning her head toward him and shoves his male appendage in her face.
I'm paralyzed with fear, my heart is ponding rapidly against my chest. My hands are uncontrollably shaking and I feel the bile rising in my throat. I have the urge to save my mom, but I can’t will myself to move. I take a chance glancing over at her and she is seated in one of our kitchen chairs with her hands tied behind her back. Her legs are spread wide as he stands between them forcing her to suck his dick. They are unaware of my presence as I cower in the corner of the room. My hands cover my eyes as my body trembles. With each loud noise I peek through my fingers to observe what’s going on.  He grunts loudly as he grabs a fist full of her hair and yanks. She screams causing my to body jump, I want so bad to cry, but I fear they will overhear me. 
He instructs her to stand up, turn around and kneel on the chair. Her right leg is on the floor steadying her and her left foot is propped up in the chair. She leans over the chair spreading her legs wide open. I witness his hand come up then whip forward to slap her ass. She yelps from the sting and he quickly shoves his dick inside of her. She screams from his forcefulness and I watch the tears stream down her faces as she bawls her eyes out.
He pumps into her, smacking her ass sporadically, she yelps when contact is made. I try so hard to ignore it all, to turn away, but for some reason I can’t take my eyes off of them. I listen as her tears are cut off by cries of pleasure, her whimpers turn into moans, and she becomes breathless.
My eyes flash open and I sit strait up in bed. My heart feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest, and I’m covered in sweat. I look around and realize that it’s okay I’m in my apartment. That I was just having another one of my night terror about my childhood. Which consisted of my drunken mother bringing home her abusive johns and low life boyfriends. They would beat the shit out of her, and then fuck her senseless. By the time I turned fifteen, I had witnessed enough sex to fuck like a porn star. The problem being that I started to get off on observing these various men bang my mother. I know it’s disturbing, but I couldn’t control it. Her erotic cries would turn me on and I’d have to service myself to ease the pressure. After a while, that wasn’t enough. I needed something more and I have been chasing after it ever since.
Quote by: Kim Shaw

Editorial Review: “The Sweet Temptation of Whiskey leaves you with a slow burn of need and desire you can’t deny.” ~ Tammie Harms

               Editorial Review: “Whiskey will leave you frisky.”

                    ~ Kim Shaw

               Editorial Review: “The Sweet Temptation of Whiskey will leave you breathless for more.”
~ Karina Sanchez
Hi everyone I just want to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Charlene M. Martin and I am the author of Unexpected series. Unexpected Love was released May 2013 and Unexpected Destiny (book 2) was released Jan. 1, 2014. I am not sure of a release date for the third and final book, but I will let you all know when I get close. Feel free to contact me at my links below as I look forward to spending more time with you all. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer. Thanks for your support.

I am a small town girl, I currently reside in the same city that I was born and raised in. I love watching teen drama shows, reading, writing, and listening to music.
I have a loving family my mother who has taught me about love and lasting relationships. A father who pushes me to excel and succeed at anything I desire.  My younger sister and I have become very close over the years and she is very supportive of everything I do.
I have been married for nine years to my best friend. I love my husband more than anything. He is so kind, loving and supportive. He likes to joke with his friends that, “My wife writes porn.”
We have an eleven-year-old daughter who is so smart and talented. I can’t believe how fast they grow up.  She is turning into quite the young lady.  She aspires to be so many things and I encourage them all. She loves to write songs and has even tried her hand at writing a book. Maybe one day she will follow my example.
Being that I am from a small town, I have made some long lasting relationships. I have two best friends that I have known for most of my life. We have continued to stick together over the years and we are always there for one another. I couldn’t imagine my life without them.
Animal lover I am not, but I have a headstrong dog that is the absolute best-behaved dog I have ever seen and a cat that drive me insane, but I love her nonetheless.
I have always aspired to be a neonatal nurse and I continue to work towards that goal. Maybe one day it will come true. However, writing has become my new favorite love.
I never would have dreamed that I would become a writer, but some really great people convinced me otherwise.  Eventually I decided to give it a try and what do you know? I just finished writing my second book and I couldn’t be happier. I will continue to write in my spare time with hopes of it becoming a full time career at some point in my life.
So take note, I am just a small town girl trying to bring light to your darkness, anything is possible if you work hard at it. So hold your head high, get out there, and do what you love.
Unexpected Love Links

Unexpected Destiny Links

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