Monday, March 2, 2015

Wait for Me By:TS McKinney & BJ Grinder Blog Tour

Book: Wait for Me
Author: TS McKinney & BJ Grinder
Genre: Dark Erotica
Susannah is a dominatrix and FBI agent. Jasper is a younger submissive who wants to surrender to her every desire. The dominant side of her wants him badly, but the age gap holds her back. Susannah’s first assignment introduces her to the sickening world of human trafficking. Jasper, a genius with computers, jumps at the chance to do anything that will allow him to spend time with Susannah. When Susannah is betrayed, Jasper is abducted.
Will Susannah rescue Jasper before too much damage is done to his body...and soul? Will she get the chance to prove her love?

Buy the Book
Amazon US      Amazon UK Book Trailer
Meet the Authors
BJ Grinder was born and raised in a small Tennessee town.  She is the single mother of four children, three dogs and three frogs.  She enjoys hiking, reading, and, of course, writing. With a life this busy, sometimes a girl needs to escape into the fantasy land offered by books.
TS McKinney lives in East Tennessee with her high school sweetheart/husband and all the countless dogs she picks up from deserted country roads.  Her professional career has been in business but her heart has always belonged to the fantasy world found in books.  Creating wicked worlds where one can meet the perfect hero - and then do anything to him that you want - has been a hobby that has brought her plenty of hours of fun and naughty entertainment.  When not working, reading, or writing, she loves to spend time with her family and forcing them (because they don't really have a choice) to allow her redecorate their houses...and listen to her naughty...sometimes sadistic stories.
TS McKinney - Facebook
BJ Grinder - Facebook
TS McKinney - Goodreads
B J Grinder - Goodreads

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