Friday, April 24, 2015

Secret Regrets by: Megan C. Smith Blog Tour

Title: Secret Regrets Author: Megan C. Smith Series: Living For Today Publisher: Blue Tulip Publishing

Synopsis   Live for today... Tomorrow isn't a promise. This is the motto of Bryant and Rose's relationship, especially considering the roller coaster they've been through over the past few years. The problem is, neither of them took into consideration the past they tried to keep hidden. Until it's too late. Soon they both realize they are being suffocated by the secrets of their pasts they have kept from one another. When the past collides with the present, it becomes the ultimate test to their relationship with more people hoping it fails, than survives. They must rely on each other like never before as they fight to survive the secrets they now regret keeping from one another. While tomorrow isn't a promise, with the past waging a war, Bryant and Rose may not be able to survive--even today. 62413-add-to-goodreads-button  


"I love you, Rose," Bryant softly whispered in my ear, sadness lingering in his tone as he placed a kiss on my neck. I could tell by the tone of his voice he knew that he was being kept in the dark, and it was hurting him. Hurting him hurt me. It sucked.
I felt I owed him so much more, so I rolled over looked into his eyes, struggling to find the courage to tell him about my nightmare. While I didn't remember the one I had just had, the real version was a scar the would never heal, a memory that would never leave me. The nerves balled in my throat, choking me and preventing me from speaking aloud. His chocolate brown eyes met mine as I searched them for the strength I needed. He looked at me lovingly with adoration, unaware of my inner demons. I was his. From day one, Bryant had thought me to be an innocent. We had just been through so much over the course of our relationship I just wasn't confident we could survive any more obstacles in our path.
"I love you too, Bryant. Always and forever." I placed three sweet kisses on his lips. Our tradition. Three kisses every time. One for the past, one for today, and one for the future.
      Living For Today Series
Author Bio
Megan Smith was born and raised in beautiful Tampa, Florida where she spent her days falling in love with fictional characters from a very young age. After marrying her best friend she relocated to North Carolina to support her husband’s career as a U.S. Marine. During her time in North Carolina Megan was blessed with 3 beautiful children who have kept her constantly busy chasing after them and enjoying the daily routine of motherhood. Most recently Megan and her family have relocated to St. Petersburg, Florida where she has spent the past few months achieving her lifelong dream of publishing her very first novel; as well as continuing to submerge herself in some of her favorite books while appreciating a glass of wine and her favorite, salted pretzel Milanos.
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