Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Unforgettable by: Gigi Aceves Blog Tour

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Title: Unforgettable (Able Series #3) Author: GiGi Aceves Release Date: March 19, 2015 Book Tour: March 30 – April 3 Hosted by: SBB Promotions
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When two people who love each other desire the same thing, but fear hinders one as longing moves the other.
Which path will they choose?
Will they travel the same road?
Will they say goodbye or start a new beginning?
Will fate decide for them?
Once fate decides, will one have a season of mourning and the other a season of celebration?
Will the different seasons cause them to give up or will it make their hearts move to unforgettable measure?
Book Trailer
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Author Bio Trans
After growing up in the Philippines, I now live in California with my husband and two girls. My husband survived two bouts of cancer, AML Leukemia and Mucoid Carcinoma; hence, the inspiration for Unbreakable. I thank the good Lord for healing my husband, twice. It can’t get any better than that.
Our oldest, Andrea is a junior in APU. When she looks at my computer, the first thing out of her mouth is “Mom! What are you looking at? Dad!” Our youngest, Allysa is a freshman in high school. The few times she passed by me and looked over my shoulder when I was writing, her reaction was, “Mom! I’m telling dad!” There you have it; I have two double agents in my house. What happened to loyalty?
If my husband is the ying to my yang, Andrea is the Marlin to my Dory while Allysa is the Buzz Lightyear to my Woody. I love the beach, but I hate the sand; I love to travel, but I hate to fly; I love to eat but, I hate gaining weight (all women can relate to this); and so goes my little quirks in life.
Am I crazy? Well, the jury is still out on that one; however, I’d like to think if I can make one person smile with my craziness, it’s all worth it.
I’m known as The Crazy Cat Lady. Am I crazy? Well, the jury is still out on that one, but I’d like to think I can make one person smile with my craziness.
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