Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A Roads Lead to Menage by: Ashley Beckem Blog Tour

All Roads Lead To Menage 

by Ashley Beckem

A couples journey into sexual exploration together.
For years Jeff has been talking about having a threesome. The thought of this left his wife Holly fearing the worst. Believing her husband wanted another woman or worse; a divorce. Holly tests the waters by sharing a fantasy of her own. Seeing how turned on Jeff gets she decides to continue on this new found sexual exploration. Together they explore and test the boundaries of their relationship.
In time she discovers her husband greatest fantasy just might be hers too.

Meet Ashley

Ashley Beckem grew up in the frigid northern part of Chicago. At the tender age of eighteen moved to South West Florida for college. Ashley is presently chasing after an elusive MBA. Current hobbies include spending reckless amount of time on the beach, boating with friends, and loves being active (biking, golf, running, or tennis). Ashley is never far from the trusted Galaxy to keep in touch.

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