Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Forbidden Hope by: Bethany Shaw Release Day Blitz!!



A Werewolf Wars Prequel Novella

Release Day Blitz

September 10-11, 2014

Author Bethany Shaw


Genre~ Paranormal Romance & Suspense

Cover Creator ~ Sprinkles on Top Studios

Editor ~ Kathleen Pappano

September 10, 2014
werwolf wars SYNOPSIS
Emily McKinley has been a prisoner in her own home since she began her first heat cycle. As a rare female wolf, and the alpha's daughter, she has led a sheltered life. When Marcus Jackson comes to the pack, Emily is instantly drawn to him.
As the daughter of analpha, she is required to find a proper mate--another alpha. Marcus is everything she could possibly want in a mate and more, but he isn't an alpha, and her father will never approve. Unable to deny their mutual attraction, Marcus and Emily find themselves falling for each other.
But Emily's world comes crashing down when her father orders her to become a breeder for a misogynistic pack. She tries to protest her father's decision, but the more Emily fights, the more-dire the situation becomes. Emily must make a choice, stay and lead a life as a submissive female, or run and put everyone she loves in danger.
*Forbidden Hope is 26,000 word prequel novella to The Werewolf Wars Series. This novella can be read ANYTIME within the series. No Spoilers. *
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werewolf wars excerpts
Marcus poured the steaming milk into a mug and handed it to Emily. “It should put you right to sleep.” “Thanks.” She blew on the cup before placing it to her lips and taking a sip. “Tastes good.” “It was my mom’s recipe. The nutmeg helps calm you.” “You didn’t mention your parents before,” Emily commented. Marcus licked his lips and sighed. “They died when I was about twelve.”
After his parents deaths, he and his brothers had been inseparable. Now, they were gone too. A tick formed in his jaw and he swallowed hard, not wanting to appear weak in front of Emily. He drew in a quiet breath and composed himself.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, glancing down into her mug. “It was hard. My mom was sick for a while. She kept getting worse and worse, but our pack doctor couldn’t figure out what the problem was. After a few months, she died. My dad didn’t last long after that. Losing them both so close together was difficult, but, at the same time, knowing that they loved each other so much…” he trailed off.
“A true love match. My mom told me about them once. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of an actual one. It all sounds so romantic. To live and die for each other. To have a physical and mental connection with each other.”
Marcus stared at her. She looked away, her emerald eyes darting anywhere but him. Everything seemed to click all at once for him. She was his true mate. It was the only possible explanation for the way he felt. The desire to claim her was as powerful as the yearning to spend time with her. Her lilac scent intrigued him, drew him in right from the start. He looked up and saw the slight part of her lips. Her breathing quickened and red crept over her face as if she were having a similar revelation.

“Thanks for the milk,” Emily stammered, setting the empty mug in the sink. She played with the purple sash on her robe for a moment. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Emily?” his hand shot out and grasped her wrist. “I…” She swallowed as she moved closer to him, her eyes blinking rapidly as her breath puffed against his face. His hand reached up to graze across her soft cheek before threading in her hair. Her tongue darted out to wet her pink, plump lips and he tilted his head to the side, entranced. Their lips grazed against each other, lightly touching at first before Emily deepened the kiss. He nibbled her bottom lip, pulling her flush against him. She melted into him for a few precious seconds, before she froze.

Emily’s hands pushed on his chest and she turned away from him. “We can’t do this,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “Why? I know you feel it too.”

“You know how our world works, Marcus. I’m to be mated to another alpha to ensure the peace amongst our neighboring packs. If we go down this road, it will only end in heartbreak. I can’t do that,” she said hoarsely.

“So don’t think about the future. It’s not set in stone. Things can change. I can prove myself to your father. Just give me the chance. I can’t ignore whatever this is and I want to—need to see it through,” Marcus encouraged. He would show the alpha he was worthy.

Emily shook her head. Tears shone in her beautiful emerald eyes, and her bottom lip trembled as she suppressed a sob. “You don’t know my father.” She gave him one last fleeting look before bolting out of the kitchen.

  teaser 3, author made with anna edits forbidden hope      
Marcus grinned. They were going to be together. This was going to work and they could be happy together far away from Emmett and the Gulf Packs. He would keep her safe and they would marry and have their own family. Elation filled him at the thought. “Good!”
Marcus leaned forward capturing her soft, pink lips with his. She tasted like strawberries. He wove his hands into her hair, pulling her lithe body flush against his. Her cool fingers slipped beneath the hem of his shirt, and she began to draw lazy patterns on the small of his back. Marcus growled and pushed her against the tree trunk. His hands rolled up the bottom of her shirt, exposing her creamy torso.
“We can’t,” she whispered, but made no effort to stop him. “My father-” “Let’s not talk about him now. We only get a few minutes together, let’s not waste it thinking about him.” “But-” “Have you transitioned yet?” Emily shook her head. “Did you bring extra clothes?” Emily nodded. Marcus grinned. “You’ll wash my scent off when you shift. You can go for a swim in the creek to be extra safe.” Emily closed her eyes, smiling. “You’re getting pretty good at this.” “I wish I didn’t have to.”
Emily looked down at her hands before lifting his shirt up and pushing it over his head. Her nails grazed against the plains of his chest. “Em,” he ground out. She smirked, leaning forward, and placed a kiss to his lips. “I love you.” “I love you too.”
Marcus deepened the kiss, placing his hands on her bottom. He quickly lifted her up and backed her up against the tree . Her long legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer. She fit snugly against him. This is exactly how it’s supposed to be. We work together. She is my mate—my true love.
Desire filled him and he needed to show her how much her choice meant to him. He deepened the kiss, wanting to feel more of her. Emily pulled back far enough, allowing him to lift her top up and over her head. Marcus traced his fingers up her black lacy bra strap before reaching behind her and unsnapping it. She tossed the garment to the ground, and he recaptured her lips, molding their bodies together.
He grunted, enjoying the feel of her breasts pressed against him. Emily slid her hands down, fumbling with the button on his jeans a moment. Marcus gently set her back on her feet and shoved his boxers and jeans off while attempting to kick off his shoes. Emily giggled as he stumbled slightly, and he shot her a smile.
He watched as she slipped her feet out of her sandals and pushed her panties and shorts down her tanned legs. Marcus gritted his teeth as he took in the full sight of her. She was so beautiful. He’d seen her this way many times, but it always amazed him at how truly gorgeous she was. Her beauty expanded beyond her physical appearance.
Emily was the kindest, most caring person he’d ever met. She was everything he wanted. “You’re staring,” Emily teased. “And? So are you,” he said as her eyes slid up and down his body. “Stop talking! I want to feel you. It’s been too long,” she mumbled as he closed the distance between them. She jumped up, resuming their earlier position.
novella playlist
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Read the ReviewsWWS

Sweets Books rated it 5 of 5 stars

I love this series. I always wanted to know Marcus & Emily's story. She always seemed so outgoing but quite, but being able to see how she dealt with not being allowed much of anything. I'm not sure most young girls would survive being held prisoner in their own home by their dad.
Marcus, I always liked him in the other books. But now I have more of a understanding of how much he risked to be with Emily. He could of left years ago and never looked back. Instead he choose to stay with the pack just to be close to her.
In the end it's a short read but I loved getting to see the beginning before Devon's story. How everything came about, and why they ended were they ended up. I recommend the whole series!
Till next time - Sweets Books

Donna rated it 5 of 5 stars

Awesome prequel and love story I really enjoyed reading this love story about Marcus and Emily. Also this story helps you to learn what the Werewolf wars are truly all about. Well written and extremely entertaining to read. Even though this is a prequel story it’s also a self-contained story. It can be read in any order of the series but I think its best at the beginning before the others. There are some love’s that will make you risk it all to be together. I was given a free copy for an honest review.

Kathleen Engelman rated it 5 of 5 stars

Goodness Gracious, I loved this book! It clearly explained Marcus and Emily's story. I laughed, I cried, I got angry....what an emotional story! Very fast paced, and really gives a in-depth look into characters from Bethany Shaw's first books in this series. A wonderful addition to an amazing series. I cannot wait for the next book! Another phenomenal read from a fabulous author! I received this book as an ARC from author.
werewolf wars author info
Bethany Shaw has lived in Ohio her entire life. She is happily married to her husband of nine years and together they have two wonderful children. They also share their home with three dogs and two cats.
Most of the time, she has at least one of her pets by her feet while she writes. Writing has always been a passion of hers and she is thrilled to pursue her dreams. She enjoys reading romances, young adult and fantasy.
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Bethany's Pack ~
A Werewolf Wars Novel reading group ~
Werewolf Wars the Series ~
Heroines of Werewolf Wars ~
Hunky Heroes of Werewolf Wars~
Werwolf Wars Series

Book 1~ Out of the Shadows

Book 2~ Into the Unknown

Book 3~ Finding Our Way

Book 3.5 ~ Forbidden Hope (Releasing September 10, 2014)

Book 4~ Lost and Found ( Releasing October 2014)

Purchase Links

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RUN with the PACK






Book 4


Sarah and Vincent's Story

Releasing Late October 2014


Happy Reading!


Hosted By


Author Bethany Shaw

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Reading, Writing, and Book Reviews


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