Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Living Chances by: S.L. Schiefer Blog Tour

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Living Chances Cover
Title: Living Chances
Series: Unexpected, Book 3
Author: S.L. Schiefer
Release Date: September 2, 2014
Genre: New Adult
After the birth of her son, Annie should have been on cloud nine. But, news that Jayden had been drugged and had a seizure rocked her happiness. She's torn between not wanting to miss a single moment with her son and spending time with Jayden in ICU. Jonah is helping Annie take care of Josh while his brother is in the hospital. He's so overwhelmed with things going on in his life, things he doesn't want anyone to know. But, Annie is getting more and more suspicious of his vagueness of his love life. All he can hope for is to keep it quiet until things with Jayden are better. Jayden was out enjoying a night with his friends when the unthinkable happened to him. After Jonah finding him, he doesn't remember anything. He can hear voices throughout his mind, but only one sticks out. He's fighting like hell to get back to that voice. When Jayden wakes up, will him and Annie be able to work towards their happily ever after? Or will things fall apart like they always do for Annie?
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I make it to the bed, get turned around, and plop backwards. Once I’m settled, I hold my arms out towards Annie. She gets up and places him in my arms. I’ve not held very many babies, but it’s like I knew what to do. He felt so right in my arms. It’s like having him there finally makes something click together for me. In this moment, I know that I am supposed to be here, with my son in my arms and my family surrounding me. No one is talking. They are giving me time to soak this all up. He is fast asleep, without a care in the world. His head is full of thick dark brown hair that’s sticking up in every direction. I pick up his tiny little hand, wedge one finger into his grasp and he automatically clenches around my finger. There is no other feeling in the world that will ever compare to this moment. I never knew my heart could hold so much love for one person. This is my son. This is my flesh and blood. This little boy needs me. I put him up on my shoulder and hold him to me. I break down sobbing in front of everyone. It has been years since I’ve broken down like this. I cry because no matter what I do, I always fuck something up. There is no more time for me to get my shit together. This is it. I savor the feeling of him on my shoulder, not even caring his dad is crying.
About the Author
S.L. Schiefer
I was born and raised in a small town in Ohio. I am the biggest Ohio State fan EVER! I have a husband, two boys, and a pit bull. I’m a country girl at heart, and have no problem sitting outside by a fire or grabbing guns and target shooting. I’m a hairstylist and assistant manager at SportClips. In my down time you’ll generally find me relaxing with my Kindle, or trying to entertain my minions. I’m a lover of Harry Potter and Transformers.
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Purchase Her Other Books Today for only 99 cents each!
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