Title: Blood Bonds: Ethriel Author: Joe Walker Genre: Fantasy, YA Publisher: Blue Tulip Publishing Release Date: February 24

Another tiresome hour of jogging and walking passed by, and gradually shoots of grass began to sprout up from the hard earth. The air grew slightly cleaner, and, at one point, there was even a lone tree that stood no bigger than a man. That brought a smile to Van’s face, for he had never seen a tree before; at least he couldn’t remember having done so. Then, as though out of nowhere, an endless expanse of twisted dark trees appeared, creaking and swaying in the wind. The Old Forest, thought Van, his pace quickening. The night was dark, and the colours of the forest were obscure, but Van could imagine rich greens, earthly browns, golden yellows, and crisp oranges, a whole array of colours to con- tradict the black and grey of the land surrounding the Spire. Tuttos had stopped a few metres ahead and appeared to be listening to something. “What is it?” asked Van, coming to a standstill beside his friend. “Quiet!” All Van could hear was the trees and the gentle voice of the wind, nothing more. “ROOOOAAAARRRRRRR!” Before he knew what was happening, Tuttos had shoved him to the ground, and the huge form of the Dragon Queen landed where they had been only moments before. Van rolled over to face the beast, shuddering as her fiery red eyes found his. Going somewhere? she inquired, her mouth never moving, for she had spoken in his head. Slaves who had actually seen the queen said that her skin was so dark they thought they would be consumed by the blackness, but in the pale moonlight she shone a purplish-red. “Stay back!” Tuttos placed himself between Van and the creature, an orc sword in his hand, ready to attack. A strange, earth-rumbling, guttural sound began to resonate from the Queen of the Skies, and, to his horror, Van realised she was laughing. She took one big step towards them, readying herself for the kill, and it was at that moment that an arrow flew from the trees and hit her in the fleshy joint between her solid shoulder and her wing, forcing her back in painful disbelief. “Run, Van!” Tuttos cried, seizing the opportunity. Van didn’t need telling twice. He surprised himself with how quickly he sprang up and limped towards the nearby forest despite the blisters on his feet and the objections of his mus- cles. Just a short distance lay between the two men and the trees, but a dragon wasn’t so easily swayed, and, now that they had a mysterious ally in the trees, she kept her distance, deciding in- stead to open her great jaws and release a hellish ball of swirling fire. Van glanced over his shoulder and screamed, “Down!” They both dived to the ground, the soft grass cushioning their fall. The billowing ball of fire whooshed over their heads, missing them by mere inches, singeing a few hairs on Tuttos’ head before zooming onward and exploding somewhere deep within the trees ahead. The Winged Queen resumed her pursuit whilst Van and Tuttos clambered to their feet and pressed on, desperately trying to reach the sanctity of the forest that was now so close they could almost touch it; so close that Van could smell the scent of wet grass and autumn leaves. So close. Something hit his legs and sent him flying to the ground for the third time that night. So very close. He rolled onto his back and saw the dragon’s head looming over him. Her breath was hotter than the furnaces of the Spire. Now you die. Her jaws opened to reveal the beginnings of red flame.

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