Wednesday, September 21, 2016

~*~*~*COVER REVEAL~*~*~* Clayton's Star by: Jillian Jacobs

A Hollywood starlet fearlessly prepares for danger but finds herself unprepared for the perils of love.
On the big screen Sheridan Bennett’s got the face of an angel and the body of a…well, isn’t that what’s expected of an award-winning actress? But there’s something about her Clayton Kincaid can’t quite figure. The former Ranger is transitioning from local police detective to private investigator, and Sheridan Bennett is one case he’d like to solve.

Sheridan knows her luck has taken a turn for the worse when her criminal father appears in the middle of a police fundraiser. Not only that, the one man capable of uncovering her secrets witnesses her distress. Her idyllic life falls apart as her father’s demands for money escalate and a stalker begins a menacing game.

Determined to keep Sheridan safe, Clayton works his way into her life and her heart. But when Sheridan learns Clayton has secrets of his own, she decides to face the fight alone. Undeterred by Sheridan’s belief in his deception, Clayton uses all his resources when the path of her notorious father and her stalker converge.

Together they must learn that the spotlight shines brightest when it’s shared, and that not all love is an act.

In the spring of 2013, Jillian Jacobs changed her career path and became a romance writer. After reading for years, she figured writing a romance would be quick and easy. Nope! With the guidance of the Indiana Romance Writers of America chapter, she has learned there are many "rules" to writing a proper romance. Being re-schooled has been an interesting journey, and she hopes the best trails are yet to be traveled. You'll find a bit of her husband in her paranormal series, The Elementals, as he's a chemist and has to answer all her, "Could this really happen?" questions.

Water’s Threshold, the first in her Elementals series, was a finalist in Chicago-North’s 2014 Fire and Ice contest in the Women’s Fiction category.

Three things about her: She’s a Tea Guzzler, Polish Pottery Hoarder, and lover of all things Moose. Her current positions with Indiana Romance Writers of America are Program Chair and 2015 Conference Co-Chair. The genres she writes under are: Paranormal and Contemporary Romance with suspenseful elements.

Jillian is also part of an Indiana author group, which posts videos answering questions readers post for writers. Visit The Juicebox Dialogues on YouTube for some sassy video fun with romance writers.  


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