Thursday, January 22, 2015

Changing Nature by: April White Release Day Blitz

Changing Nature Release Day Release Day Event
Book Title: Changing Nature Author: April White Genre: Time Travel Release Date: January 22, 2015 Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions
Immortal Descendants are disappearing and seventeen-year-old Clocker Saira Elian is next on the list… Saira and Archer’s romantic London summer is shattered by the bold kidnappings of Immortal Descendants. It’s clear Mongers want control of the Descendant Families, and when they target a powerful Shifter, there’s no doubt they will eliminate anyone who stands in their way. A split in time could be the cause of this new Monger aggression, and Saira, Archer, Ringo and young Shifter, Connor travel back to medieval France to track down their arch-nemesis Bishop Wilder – the obvious candidate for mayhem. One dangerous world is exchanged for another as Saira and her friends emerge on the gloomy streets of Paris in 1429 to find it besieged by marauding wolves. And wolves may be the least of their problems when they encounter a fanatical peasant girl who will be known to modern history as Joan of Arc. Crossing the time stream to repair it has dropped them into the heart of the Hundred Years War on the eve of an epic battle, where friends are in danger, allies are enemies, and foes are lethal. To end the deadly game of cat and mouse with Wilder once and for all, Saira must confront her greatest challenge yet: the truth about her changing Nature. Teasers “I’d been resisting the idea of arming you in your bed, but now I think you should keep these under your pillow.” I grinned, savoring the weight of the daggers in my hand. “Means you can’t sneak in.” “No, I just have to be faster than you.” “Yeah, good luck with that.”
I smiled. “Really? Your eyes track her through a room. You find every excuse in the book to be next to her. And when you actually do let yourself accidentally touch her, it’s with so much wonder and awe, it feels … worshipful.”
“And in the end, when it was completely out of my hands, I finally surrendered to the reality of what it meant to love you. And it truly was surrender or break into a thousand pieces every day.” He took a deep breath. “Fear paralyzed me, but you, my beautiful woman, are always moving. So I had to break free of the fear to run with you, and since that day, and every day I choose not to fear, I have known more freedom and happiness than I ever imagined was possible.”
Archer, Ringo, Charlie, Connor and I became a family on the river Seine. We teased each other, tried to make each other laugh, told stories, and shared secrets. And mostly, we healed. Meet the Author AprilAuthors(640x640)APRIL WHITE has been a film producer, private investigator, bouncer, teacher and screenwriter. She has climbed in the Himalayas, survived a shipwreck, and lived on a gold mine in the Yukon. She and her husband share their home in Southern California with two extraordinary boys, their dog, various chickens, and a lifetime collection of books. April wrote her first novel, Marking Time, because it's what she wanted to read, and now needs to finish all five-books in the series so she can find out what happens next. More information and her blog can be found at Social Links
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