Saturday, January 3, 2015

Embraced: The Life of Anna Part 3 by: Marissa Honeycutt Blog Tour with Interview

Title: The Life of Anna, Part 3: Embraced
Author: Marissa Honeycutt
Genre: Very Dark Paranormal Erotica
Publication Date: December 28, 2014

Devin has achieved his goal of becoming Chairman and all seems peaceful...until Devin performs an act of cruelty that pushes Anna to fight back for the first time in her life. Meanwhile, Alex is working hard to give her something that Devin can never take away.
As her Masters work around her, Anna must navigate a life she never wanted.

Marissa's story of Anna began with a dream about being kidnapped with Adam Savage from Mythbusters (Yes, really). Over the next year and a half, it morphed into the story that is now known as "The Life of Anna." She has several other stories in progress, one of which is based on her kidnapped dream.

When she's not writing or editing, Marissa is taking care of two young boys, training to be an astronaut, running her household, wrestling with gorillas, playing around on Facebook, promoting whirled peas, and busting her tush for her accounting degree. She enjoys chocolate, air conditioning in the desert's summer heat, really good strawberry margaritas, sleeping, and shopping.

~My Interview~
Thank you so much for taking time to answer my questions!!
1.) So can you tell us how you came up with the idea for this book? The Title?
I had a dream about being kidnapped with Adam Savage from Mythbusters and the dream morphed into a story that I lived in my head. It morphed many times and ended up with this particular version of Anna’s story. I honestly have several versions of her story, but this was the most complete…and the only one I could come up with an ending for.
The title came from wanting to explain fully what the story was about. It’s more than just a snippit of Anna’s life, or an ‘adventure;’ it’s her life. One huge story of her life. J
2.) Who is your favorite character in this book and why?
Hmmm. That’s a hard question. Anna is so near and dear to me. I was never abused or sold into sex slavery, but so much of her is…well, me. Her thought process is how I think about things. If you understand Anna, you understand me…to an extent. J
Seth is also a favorite. He doesn’t appear much in this story, but I absolutely adore him. He’s had several incarnations in other versions of the story, but he’s always been close to Anna. Her…protector in many cases.
And of course, Alex. Who could not love him? I love his sincerity and his imperfections. I purposely made him imperfect because I wanted him to be realistic. I know he’s frustrated many readers, but you have to understand that Devin is such a hard person to fight… I promise Alex will show himself the badass hero he really is before the end.
3.) Is this book different from the others you have written in the past? If so how?
This is my first book published, so there’s not much to compare to. Any of the other books I’ve started are not nearly as dark, so I hope my readers aren’t disappointed when my next book comes out after Anna’s story is finished. I am working on a sequel of The Life of Anna. It will take place about 10 years after LoA is complete. It will probably be almost as dark, but not sure. My stories don’t always go where I expect them to go! lol
4.) What is your favorite genre to write and why?
I like dark. I can’t write really happy stories, it’s just not in me. I love a good sex scene, so erotica is my genre of choice, I suppose. It was really hard (and is still hard) when people ask me what genre Anna is. It doesn’t really fit into one specific box, which I think my readers like, but at the same time it does make it hard to classify. I usually say it is very, very, very dark paranormal erotic romance with a touch of political conspiracy and suspense.
5.) Does your family and friends read your book?
My husband has been very supportive of my writing and even helped me come up with the ending. I have forbidden my father to read it because…ew! A father should not be reading erotica that his daughter wrote! Lol I told my mom she could read it, but I didn’t want to know if she did. J Most of my friends know about it, but because of the nature of the book, I don’t blame people if they don’t want to read it. It’s so dark, it’s not for everyone. I’ve even forbidden a few people from reading it because of its dark content. J
6.) What are you currently working on? Do you have a release date yet? Title?
Part 3 of Anna’s story will be out at the end of December. I’m planning on Part 4 to be released in early February and Part 5, late March - hopefully. After that, I’m probably going to finish up Kidnapped (working title) which is based on the original story of my dream that got me writing in the first place.
7.) What inspired you to become an author?
Honestly, people liking my story. I began writing it down, but had absolutely no intention of ever sharing it with anyone. I began with one or two people. Then more. Them more. And, to my astonishment, they liked it! I thought I was too dark and twisted…that people would run away screaming. It’s nice to know I’m not the only dark, twisted person out there!
I also have to say, I have met an AMAZING group of friends on FB. They’re more than just ‘online’ friends. We love and support each other like crazy. They keep me motivated when I’m feeling discouraged and love on me when I’m having a bad day. I’d be lost without them!
8.) Tell us a little about yourself.
I am 37 years old. Married 10 years to my wonderful husband and we have two boys, ages 8 and 6. I’ve been studying accounting for the last few years. I recently started homeschooling my oldest son when his previous school changed curriculum and he got bored. I never thought I’d like homeschooling, but I really do.
I live in Arizona. Have my entire life. I’d love to move, but I don’t forsee that ever happening. We’re too rooted here. But that’s ok. I’m hoping we’ll get to travel more as my books become more and more successful.

This or That: (Just for Fun)
1.) Erotic Novels or New Adult? Erotic!

2.) Paranormal or Sci-fi? Paranormal

3.) Cat or Dog? Cat
4.) Night or Day? hmmm…nights are much quieter since I had kids, so…night.
5.) Winter or Summer? Winter (I live in the desert…it’s like everyone else’s summer!)
6.) Vampires or Werewolf? Vampire.

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