Book Blurb
While grieving for my mother I lost sight of you, my love, my life, and what we had created. You said the one word I never wanted to hear from your lips and it nearly broke me. I know now that it was your plea for me to hear you.
I heard you and I planned on fixing it, even if it took the rest of my life. We never bargained for what came next. You became a stranger to me, my own wife. Wife. The word was suddenly foreign to me. Thrust into a situation we didn’t expect, you proved to me over and over again what love was. I pray you’ll let me return the favor.
My cage is empty and waiting for you, my Blackbird. I’ll spend eternity proving that I’m never letting go of us.
Always, only, forever…
Interview Thank you for taking time to answer my questions!!!
First off tell us a little about yourself.
I’ve been married for 10 years. We have 4 kids between the ages of 2-7. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer
Systems Management and 95% of my prereqs to apply for nursing school. I love to read, spend time with my friends,
shop and be crafty (when time allows since 4 kids keep me pretty busy).
At what age did you start writing? What was
the first thing that you written?
Probably 10-12. I typed up a ‘fairy tale’ on my Dad’s
computer (you know, the kind with the big floppy disks). I also wrote poetry. Yes, I was that girl!
Can you tell us how you came up with the idea
of your latest book/project? Did anything inspire you to write it? Several things inspired The Anchored Hearts
Series. I wanted hot alphas who weren’t
DICKS and women who were able to be themselves and stand up to said men. Convicted Heart is a standalone that I’m
working on. Paul Blake will be
consulting with me on this book and we’ll also be on the cover together. This project is some of my story and some of
his and will come together to tell one story.
Can you tell us about your next book/project?
Do you have a title/release date?
Convicted Heart is my current
project. I don’t have a release, but I’m
anticipating Spring/Summer 2015. Here’s
a lil blurb: We’ve all read the story about
the boy from the wrong side of the tracks. This isn’t that story. It’s more.
She gave him her heart when they were kids and he chose a path riddled
with crime. She spent years trying to
forget him. When their paths cross again
at a high school reunion, that spark is still there. He finds his advances unwelcome and for her,
heart-wrenching. He’s a changed man;
prison will do that. He’s determined to
right his wrongs, one of them being her.
At a fork in the road, she will have to choose between the life she’s
built and the love she wants. There is
no easy path when the love of an ex-con is involved. Who owns the Convicted Heart?
If you weren’t a writer what do you see
yourself doing?
I probably would’ve finished nursing
Who are some of your favorite authors?
Skye Turner, TH Snyder, Angel Justice,
LL Collins, Maya Banks, Lora Leigh, Tina Folsom, Jane Austen, Shakespeare, and
so many more.
What are your top 5 books that you have read? OMG.
Really? Romeo & Juliet, Pride
& Prejudice, Anna Karenina, Hamlet, Emma.
What was the last book you have read? Alluring
Turmoil by Skye Turner What book are you
reading right now? Alluring Seduction by Skye Turner
Would you ever co-write with another author? Yes If yes do you have someone in mind? TH Snyder
and Ava Manello and I both have projects brewing.
Does music inspire you? Most definitely. If yes what type of music
usually does? Top 40 but I love almost
This part is optional.
Favorite Animal
Favorite food
peppermint patties and probably pizza
Favorite Holiday Halloween and Christmas are tied.
Favorite Genre to read Love historical romance and paranormal
Favorite color Blue!
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Other Books by J.M.

Meet J.M.
I’m a stay-at-home mom with four young children and one extremely supportive husband. We’ve been married for ten years and reside in Metro Detroit, Michigan.
I've dreamed of writing romance novels since I was little. After having baby #4, who may or may not have been fathered by Christian Grey, I decided it was time to pursue my dreams.
When I'm not volunteering at the schools of my children, running to various appointments, enjoying time with my friends and my book club, dating my husband, or avoiding cleaning my house, I'm writing!
I love music and believe that books and music can't exist without the other. My goal is for you to read more than a good book, but for you to have an experience!
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