TITLE – Crazy On You
SERIES – Archie and Isabella Book #1
AUTHOR – James Duncan and J Kahele
GENRE – Romantic Comedy
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 327 pages

The top east-end London crime syndicate, the insane Pope Crew, fly out to New York to negotiate a mega-bucks weapon trafficking deal with the barbaric and merciless Mafia Don, Giovanni Commarata. All is well; then Archie Pope, a kitten and flower loving softie with a tough exterior, falls in love with Isabella Commarata. Very bad move. Commarata has had every young man who has shown the slightest interest in his precious daughters, hastily executed.
Giovanni Commarata and the Pope Crew are at war! Gun fights, betrayals, warfare on a battlefield scale all ensue. Both sides are either the Destroyers or Destroyed. All mayhem breaks loose. But this is also a rom-com, it is about two young people falling in love under the most difficult of circumstances.
The story is narrated by Archie Pope and Isabella Commarata. James Duncan writes for Archie Pope, using UK English and a fair whack of cockney slang. J Kahele, writes for Isabella Commarata, using American-English. This is a collaboration between an American romance writer and an English comedy writer.
So transatlantic thrills and spills a-plenty, with something to warm your heart!
I observed that the “tramp’s” hands were made out of plastic! I detected movement inside his ridiculously ginormous coat that could comfortably have contained two men. I made an instant decision. As Bell stooped over to drop the score into the cap, I yanked her back by the arm, simultaneously kicking the tramp in the mush – giving him a mouthful of steel-toe-capped boot. Screaming, he hit the deck, as the bullet he had fired from his pistol went awry, hitting a passing motorcyclist in the shoulder, causing the wounded motorcyclist to plough into the rear of the car driving in front of him. The bike toppled and the motorcyclist fell into the road.
‘Nice try, wanker!’ I growled, putting my pistol to the head of the phoney tramp and without hesitation, pulling the trigger. I watched the blood spurt from his exploded face with angry satisfaction.
‘Archie – look out!’
A silver Ford Fusion Titanium had mounted the pavement, and was hurtling towards us, with the intent of mowing us all down...
She moved in for the kiss and our lips met with an urgent force as we necked wildly. A long time passed before we were finished. Isabella opened her eyes and smiled at me. Then her eyes flashed over to somewhere behind me and a look of horror filled her face.‘Oh my God! Archie! It’s Papa!’
The main reason why I am still alive is that I have hypersonic reflexes. I dived to the ground, pulling Isabella with me. Bullets whizzed overhead. The bodies of nightclub ravers standing at the bar fell.Several bullets’ destination was the optics and it shattered from the almighty impact, hurtling cascades of glass and liquor across and over the bar, glass shards penetrating the backs of bartenders and the faces and bodies of customers. I spun myself around, hauling out my gun as I spun on my stomach. I held it aloft, pushing the safety level down to fire position, my finger straining against the trigger; I would shoot the microsecond I observed my target. The spin completed, my brain registered 6 armed, black ski-masked figures. Giovanni was eminently identifiable from his stocky body shape and his cold eyes that wouldn’t have looked out of place in a cobra’s head. I discharged my semi-auto frantically...


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