Monday, November 30, 2015

Code of Honor Series: Code #2 Author: J.R. Bryce

Title: Code of Honor
Series: Code #2
Author: J.R. Bryce
Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance/Former Military
Published: November 30, 2015
Mark Williams is a former Marine who needs a temporary, just for show bodyguard simply to ease his father's mind. He hires Julie Jameson, a beautiful young woman who looks nothing like a bodyguard even though her resume indicates she’s tough as nails. She's the perfect candidate. but he's got a few demands of his own. First on that list: he can take his own damn bullets.

Julie doesn’t like being told she was hired because of her looks, or that she isn't allowed to do her job. She is not just an overpriced escort with a gun, she’s good at what she does. Except as things heat up and it becomes obvious to both of them that the threat is real, Mark treats her more like part of the team despite his obvious desire to protect her. And he never treats her as an escort, despite the fact that she really starts regretting that particular clause in the contract.

Together they face explosions, flying bullets, injuries and judgement, all the while dealing with a safehouse full of her brothers, multiple government agencies trying to work together, old friends and older secrets.

The only thing either of them is sure about is that if they both survive, they aren’t letting go. All they have to do is make sure that happens.

JR Bryce (that's me) has been writing since I could read, with varying levels of success. Some of those early stories were not the bestsellers I hoped for at age six, but I've gotten better over time. Really. I promise.

I live in my office corner with a man-eating Chihuahua draped across my lap, my real live Evil Muse mind-controlling me via electronic communication, and writing like a crazy person while my all-too-precocious spawnlings plot each other’s murders and my husband runs away in a vain attempt to save his sanity. Fortunately, the beautiful Oregon Coast has lots of things to distract him so I can get the words on paper.
Hosted By: 

Claimed by the Bad Boy Bad Boy Fever (Book 2) by London Saint James

Claimed by the Bad Boy
Bad Boy Fever (Book 2)
by London Saint James
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance, BDSM, Multiple Partners, Suspense
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Narrator: John Thrust
Listening Time: 7 hrs 30 min.

Something always brings him back to her....
Ryker Cage is a rough guy, with very particular tastes when it comes to sex. Rough, hard, and dirty is the extent of his repertoire. Never soft. He doesn’t have a clue about connecting with his sensitive side in the bedroom, or that find-your-inner-femininity bullshit. He fears nothing, except—his feelings for the sweet and innocent Molly Monroe.
The bad boy who lived next door claimed Molly’s heart long ago. Crazy, or not, she loves him. Always has. No matter what he does to push her away, nor how far he runs, Ryker is the one man she’ll never stop loving.
When Ryker finally finds his way back home, will he find the courage to claim what's always been his? Or, will he be destined for heartache when someone threatens to take everything away?

Ebook Links:

Find out about book one in the Bad Boy Fever series, Spanked by the Bad Boy here:

London Saint James has lived in many places, but never felt “at home” until she met the real-life man of her dreams and settled down in the beautiful Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. London lives with her husband and their fat cat who thinks he owns them.
As an award-winning, bestselling, multi-published author, London is living her childhood dream. She knew all the scribbling she did, that big imagination of hers, and all those clamoring characters running around in her head would pay off someday.

Author Media Links:
Google +
Bad Boy Fever FB Fan Page:

Claimed by the Bad Boy Playlist:
Christina Perri – Jar of Hearts

Sara Bareilles – Gravity

A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera – Say Something
Jewel – Foolish Games
Nine Inch Nails - Right Where It Belongs
Lana Del Rey – Burning Desire
A Great Big World – I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else
Blue October – Hate Me
Disclosure feat. Sam Smith – Latch
Noora Noor – Forget what I said
Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra feat. Nino Mochella – Kiss The Sky
Mariah Carey - You're Mine (Eternal)

Claimed by the Bad Boy Top 10 Facts:
1.      Ryker Cage—a real rough and tough bad boy, who has spent too much time warring with himself over his attraction to Molly Monroe.
2.      Molly Monroe—someone with a tender heart who has loved the boy next door forever.
3.      Ryker—run, run, runs from his feelings.
4.      Molly—wishes she could put Ryker out of her head.
5.      Ryker and Molly—have a rollercoaster of a relationship.
6.      Ryker—hopes like hell he doesn’t freak Molly out with his desire.
7.      Molly—wants Ryker to show her the side of him he’s tried to hide from her.
8.      Ryker—claims what’s always been his.
9.      Molly—finds herself in a heap of trouble.
10.  Ryker—will do whatever it takes to save the woman he loves.

IN MY HEAD by SL Schiefer Cover Reveal

by SL Schiefer
Cover Reveal Date 11.30.2015
Release Date 01.04.2016
Genre New Adult (with a twist!)
Cover Designer  Chelsea Barnes with CJPB Designs
When lies and guilt tear you apart... What will it take for you to change? When I met Ben Morris everything fell into place. My life made sense. He gave me the life I always dreamed of. Sounds perfect, right? But, what if your husband really doesn't know you? While he's at work you're toeing the line of right and wrong? That your entire relationship is not what it seems? I'm Lyla Morris and this is my story of love, loss, forgiveness and healing. Try not to judge me too harshly until you know the truth.
SL is an Ohio native. Loves Ohio State Buckeye football and Cleveland Indians baseball. Mother of two little boys. Wife. Romance author. Coffee and Dr. Pepper addict. Hair stylist in the real life.

Brought to you by Book Beauties Promotions

Letters Written in White b: Kathryn Perez

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Title: Letters Written In White 
Author: Kathryn Perez 
Genre: Magical Realism 
Book Blitz: November 30 - December 2 
Release Date: November 30, 2015 
Hosted by: S.B.B. Promotions


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I’m dead.
I’m cold and alone and I’m dead. There’s no air in my lungs. My chest is as cold and hollow as a cave on a snow-capped mountain side. My heart no longer beats there. Frigid winds whistle through my ribs and the sadness inside me weeps like my favorite tree.
Days ago, I met with death face to face. The mirror, our meeting place. My two darkened green eyes stared deeply into hers. I tilted my head to the side. She did too.
“It’s time,” I whispered.
“It’s time,” she whispered.
And with that I turned away from her, the woman in the mirror who knew all of my secrets and all of my pain. I walked away from her and yet we’d never been closer than we were in that moment. The inner struggle was over. No more arguing with the woman in the mirror. No more arguing with myself. The choice was made. She was the victor. Or was I?
That was the day Riah Winter died.

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Kathryn Perez

Kathryn lives in her small East Texas hometown with her family. She 's a music infused writer and self-proclaimed book junkie. When she isn't listening to music, writing or reading you'll probably find her watching her favorite sport, UFC.
Kathryn is also an anti-bullying advocate and avid supporter of mental-illness and suicide awareness.

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