Saturday, October 11, 2014

Power Play by: Marianne Morea Blog Tour with Interview & Dreamcast

Power Play
by Marianne Morea
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Tour Organizer: NK Author Services

Tough as nails, Mitch Paris trained with the best, earning a place as second-in-command to the Alpha of the Brethren. Rissa Leighton survived sickness and an unhappy marriage until the fates brought the two of them together. Never one to give up a fight, it's now Mitch's turn to take the lead as alpha of his own pack, but after a ten year absence he returns home with Rissa to the Canadian Northwest Territories to find more than just the landscape has changed. A Blood Challenge has been issued, and not only must he prove his worth but past intrigues raise questions about his future, his new family and a murder that could change the course of their life and love...

Dream Cast

Mitch - Henry Cavill
Rissa - Rachel McAdams
Sean - Chris Hemsworth
Lily - Nina Dobrev
Donnie - Kevin Costner
Penny - Mary McDonnell
Burt - Sean Bean
Cecily - Annette Bening
Lucy - Lily Collins
Dillon - Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Sam - Benjamin Bratt

Born and raised in New York, Marianne Morea’s stories embody the grit and complexity of the city. An avid traveler, she uses experiences from around the world in all her books. Dark Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy Suspense and Horror are the hallmarks of her writing style, where readers are thrust into a world where the city never sleeps because the nightmares are real.

My Interview:

1.)    Tell us a little about yourself.
Hmmm… I could tell you the standard story, that I am a native New Yorker, raised and educated in the big apple. I have a BA in journalism and an MFA in Computer Art from the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan. I am married with three kids and I love to travel as much as I love to read. I’ve been known to dance around the kitchen while making dinner, and have at times caused my teenagers to groan with embarrassment as some of my eclectic tastes and behaviours… BUT, that’s boring. I’d rather tell you what most people would never guess about me…
Everyone knows authors put a lot of themselves into their characters, either their true personalities or traits they wish they had. In my case, my heroines are very much like me. I’m no-nonsense, I have strong opinions, I’m a true 2nd degree black belt in traditional Japanese karate and I’m wicked quick with weapons, especially nunchucks and a bo staff. But what people wouldn’t know about me, is that for most of my life I wasn’t that way. I walked the halls of my High School, invisible. My friends were few, and though I wasn’t bullied, I was ignored…so, of course, that left plenty of time to dream…to create worlds and characters in my head, the way I wanted them to be and the way I wanted myself to be. It wasn’t until I was in my early thirties and had my first child that I realized I needed to change. That I need to cultivate a strong, vital personality in order to teach my daughter to be strong…to lead by example, so she didn’t grow up lonely like me. I wanted my kids to see that anything is possible, and that you’re never too old, or too weak, and that the words ‘I can’t’ shouldn’t exist in their vocabulary. But that was a lesson I had to teach myself, first. My oldest is now a senior in high school and getting ready to head off to college. She’s a strong, compassionate, determined young woman…everything I wished I was at her age. You could say we both grew into that. Together.

2.) When did you start to write?
I’ve always been in love with words. From as far back as middle school building stories and worlds was my natural outlet. I had journals upon journals of dreams and thoughts and snippets of stories, but I never thought it would become a career. I could go on about how writing is a discipline like any art and it needs to be crafted and refined, but the truth is having characters talk to themselves and me inside my head is as normal to me as breathing. I write because I love it. When I was younger I was in love with history. It was my favorite class, and I romanticized it in daydreams and doodles as I listened to my teachers talk about the American Revolution or Ancient Greece and Rome. If I could have built a time machine to go back and visit the places I learned about in class I would have done so in a heartbeat, so much so that I wanted to be an archeologist. I took that passion with me straight into college and actually studied archeology and anthropology. But art and English Lit ended up taking the reins, and I declared my major as journalism, instead. I still love history and how it still speaks to us. My love of all things past is what spurred me to write Hollow’s End…to find the historic core on which I could build my story. But it is the words WHAT and IF that have seduced me all these years, and they inspire me in my everyday life, not just in my writer’s life.

3.) What Genre’s do you write?
I write across genres, but all fall nicely under the overall ‘Romance’ umbrella, and that includes both Teen as well as adult books. I have books written in Romantic Suspense, Historical Romance, Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance. I have even more WIPS outlined in Contemporary and Erotic Romance, Horror and straight up Mystery/Thriller.

4.) Have you ever thought about writing in a different genre?
The only thing I haven’t tried and probably won’t, is Steampunk. I just can’t wrap my head around it writing-wise. I enjoy it, but the genre doesn’t ‘speak’ to me creatively. I often think about writing nonfiction, biographies about some of the historical figures I’ve researched for my Legend series, but I’m too afraid I’d be tempted to fictionalize their lives to up the kthrill value. LOL!

5.) Do you have any new releases coming out anytime soon? If yes what is the title and when can we expect it?
I do, actually. Now that Power Play has been released and my fans are immersed I have been writing away on book two of my Legend Series. It’s called TIME TURNER and it is a Teen Historical Romance with a time travel twist that continues with the characters from my book Hollow’s End. It takes place in modern day as well as colonial New York and involves the spy network employed by the Americans and the British during the Revolutionary War. The book is currently up for presale on Amazon with a release date of November 30th. There’s a sneak peek of the first two chapters at the end of Hollow’s End.
6.) What are you currently reading? What was the last book you read?
I am currently reading a book called the Six Women of Salem. It’s a historical accounting of the witch trials and the hysterics that possessed the town of Salem Massachusetts in the late 1600s. Interesting to say the least....

7.) Who are some of your favorite authors?
Oh boy, that’s a hard question since I read so much. Hmmm…I guess I’d have to say Philippa Gregory, Diana Gabaldon, Anne Rice, Nora Roberts, Sherrilyn Kenyon, KarenMarie Moning, Stephen King, Nancy Holder, Cami Garcia, Dianna Love, etc...

8.) Can you tell us about your newest book that you have release?
POWER PLAY is a quick 118 page read and is a novella in my Cursed by Blood Series. I decided to write novellas in between the full novels so my secondary characters could have their stories told. The first series novella is Night Play. It’s the erotic tale of Emily and Ryan and how they met…a bridge story that sets the scene for The Lion’s Den, which is their FULL story. POWER PLAY, on the other hand, is the culmination of Mitch and Rissa’s story. These two secondary characters have been part of Cursed by Blood and the main character’s lives since the series introduction. Their natural coming together begins in Hunter’s Blood (Book One), but it’s not until POWER PLAY that we finally get to see them have their time in the spotlight, to have their own happily ever after, however bumpy and conflicted. These novellas make for a nice wrap of certain characters in the saga so the series can move forward, and I have many more in the outlining stages along with two more full novels.

9.) Which of your books you written is your favorite? Favorite Character?
That’s another hard question. I guess I’m fickle…the same way leading ladies fall for their costars, and once the director yells, “that’s a wrap” the love affair fades. I’m in love with each of my characters, but the ones that leave me breathless are the current ones I’m writing. It has to be or the story suffers. If I was forced to be objective and look at all my work, I’d have to say Detective Ryan Martinez is my all-time favorite…He factors in many of my stories, but my vampire Remy runs a close second simply because he breaks your heart.


1.) Favorite Color: Red
2.) Favorite Singer: Toss-up between Stevie Nicks and Ann Wilson from Heart
3.) Favorite Season: Autumn
4.) Favorite Food: Sicilian Pizza
5.) Favorite Animal: Cats of all shapes and sizes, wild or domestic.

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