Annie and Casey are both heading to New York City for the next round of auditions for The Next American Superstar. They're officially a couple now and seem to be happy as clams, but what will happen as they continue getting to know each other better? How will their relationship fare under extreme amounts of stress as they both compete to win the title and grand prize of a five million dollar contract for their own show in Las Vegas? Only one can win. Will their love survive this final test?
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“But yeah, Casey is just…amazing. Which makes it suck all that much more that I hardly ever get to see him. This weekend was the first time I’ve gotten to see him in almost a month.”
“Ugh, that does suck. And then of course you’ve got to be stressing out every time you think about Ms. Miles strutting her not-so-ugly stuff around him when you’re not there.”
“You’re not helping,” Annie growled.
Lifting his eyebrows at her, Alex shrugged. “Sorry.”
“This blows.” She looked despondently at her plate and pushed at the spinach left on it, her appetite suddenly gone.
“Cheer up, chick. You’ll both be safely together in New York next week.”
“True,” she said, perking up at the reminder. “And hopefully we’ll both do so well that they won’t be able to pick a winner and they’ll announce us both winners! And then we can tour together and Miss Perfect Pop Star Kayla Miles can go fuck herself.”
“There you go—that’s the spirit! More wine?”
The Love in LA Series:
Love in all the Wrong Places
(Book one)
*** Love in All the Wrong Places is free on Amazon, Smashwords and Kobo for the rest of October***
All the Right Things
(Book two)
About the Author:
A self-published author of romantic and erotic fiction, Audrey Harte released her first book, Love in All the Wrong Places, on April 10th, 2013 and the sequel, All the Right Things, on February 13th, 2014. The third and final book in the Love in L.A. series, The Winner Takes it All, is scheduled to be released on October 14th, 2014. She has also just announced a crossover series, the Love in N.Y.C. series (Say Anything, Say Something and Say Nothing), which she is already working on. Born and raised in Hawaii, Audrey Harte grew up an only child for the first eight years of her life, which forced her to use her imagination to keep herself entertained. In 1991, she moved to Nebraska where she attended junior high and high school and participated in several plays and musical productions at the local community college and West Nebraska Arts Center. In 1998, Audrey relocated to Los Angeles, California where she has lived ever since. She has been writing poetry and song lyrics since she was young, but only more recently has she joined the indie author community.Social Media Links:
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