Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Glitch by: Olivia Linden & Leteisha Newton Blog Tour with Interviews

GLITCH (Corporate Hitman Book 1)

by Olivia Linden and LeTeisha Newton
Genre: Multicultural Romantic Suspense
Liam Gallagher, AKA Glitch, is the brain behind a trio of corporate criminals. Formerly known as one of the most notorious hackers in cyberspace, he now works to keep Hawk Global Industries one step ahead of its competitors. 

But there's a catch. Being blackmailed to do what he does best isn't how Glitch plans to spend the rest of his life, and his partners in crime feel the same way. When an old flame crosses his path unexpectedly, Glitch and company learn that betrayal is on the horizon for them. It's time to put a plan in motion and reclaim their freedom, once and for all. Things are going to get pretty nasty along the way, even a little sexy, but it's all in a day's work for a Corporate Hitman. 

*Intended for readers 18+ due to graphic language and adult content*


Olivia Linden, a native New Yorker, was raised between Queens and San Antonio, TX. Currently living in Florida with her tween aged son, she decided it was time to follow her dreams of becoming a full time author. Her creative itch began when her elementary school principal posted one of her stories in the halls of her school. She was only seven at the time, but old enough to understand how integral writing would be to her future. From that moment on, reading and writing became her two greatest passions.It is her philosophy that laughter is essential to making it through even the toughest situations.Find your passion with Olivia Linden.

Follow me on twitter: @mslissa2u

My Interview

Thank you for taking time to answer my questions!!

1.) So can you tell us how you came up with the idea for this book? The Title?
LeTeisha and I worked on another project together and after that we were talking and brainstorming. I’ve always had this idea about writing a book about the not so pretty side of the corporate world. We both shared our thoughts and the hitmen were born. We came up with the titles based on each guy’s unique talent. Glitch was a play on the fact that he is a hacker who causes computer glitches for others.
2.) Who is your favorite character in this book and why?
I would have to say that Scratch is my favorite character. He’s a bit of a bad boy, but he’s got a very deep sensitive side. He’s funny with a tough guy edge to him
3.) Is this book different from the others you have written in the past? If so how?
It is. While the romance between Glitch and Araceli plays a large role in the book, it isn’t the driving force behind the story.
4.) What is your favorite genre to write and why?
After writing Glitch my answer is Romantic Suspense. I love romance, but I also love the tension and drama that comes from the suspense.
5.) Does your family and friends read your book?
They do! My mother is my biggest fan and reads everything I write. My friends who are into reading also read and try to figure out if I’m putting parts of my life into my stories. I wish my life were so exciting! lol
6.) What are you currently working on? Do you have a release date yet? Title?
Right now I’m working with LeTeisha on the last installment of the Hitman Trilogy titled Jack.
7.) What inspired you to become an author?
I was a book junkie at a young age. My mother had about two hundred books on our bookshelf and at age eight I started to make my way through the pile. I loved the suspense thrillers, the mysteries, and when I hit about twelve years old, I fell in love with romances.  I was also very shy, so writing was a way for me to express my ideas and creativity. Writing a book has been always been a goal of mine.
8.) Tell us a little about yourself.
Oh boy! Well I love to laugh. Like, I’m addicted to laughing. Over the years I’ve learned to get over my shyness and enjoy social events and interaction. I still love to read, so you can always catch me with my kindle, or using the kindle app on my phone. If I’m really into a book, I’ll pull it out at stoplights just to stay engaged with the story. I spend most of my time now writing, or thinking about writing.

This or That: (Just for Fun)
1.) Erotic Novels or New Adult? Hmmm, New Adult
2.) Paranormal or Sci-fi? Paranormal
3.) Cat or Dog? DOGS lol
4.) Night or Day? I’m a nightowl
5.) Winter or Summer? Summer for sure.
6.) Vampires or Werewolf? Give me a werewolf any day. They keep you warm. ;)


LeTeisha Newton is the author of a plethora of novels ranging from hot Interracial Erotica, Paranormal biters, Fantasy, and Urban Fantasy genres. She’s known for her extensive knowledge of shifter cultures, even outside of the generic werewolves and vampires, crazy world-building, and making shape shifters feel like they are living right next door. That has led to her being dubbed the Shifter Queen. Some of her series include the best-selling 

Claimed and Taken Series.

My Interview

Thank you for taking time to answer my questions!!

1.) So can you tell us how you came up with the idea for this book? The Title?
The idea came from a long night of talking after completing another project with Olivia. It was like we wanted to see some heroes that could, technically, be the bad guys. Hey, they deserve love too--and totally seemed to be hotter most of the time! The title was more an extension of the guys, you know? The series is really about them. So we titled the books around them, and the play on their skills within the book.
2.) Who is your favorite character in this book and why?
Oh man. That’s a loaded question! But, I must say it’s Jack. I think Olivia and I pretty much knew the character we were in love with from the moment we talked about them. Jack, though, my God. He’s so dark, and so sexy it makes me drool, like for real!
3.) Is this book different from the others you have written in the past? If so how?
Yes, completely. Like I said, I’ve stuck to paranormal, specifically shifters, most of my career. This, though, opened a brand new world. GLITCH isn’t like anything I’ve written because it isn’t purely romance, or purely suspense. It isn’t purely anything. It’s all the aspects of a dangerous life, and I love it.
4.) What is your favorite genre to write and why?
I’ve got to say that right now, dark romance or romantic suspense. I am a lover of paranormal romance, it’s where I got my start, and is a first love.  But something about this book has really made me rethink my strategy. It was so fun writing something so different that I sat back and was amazed myself.
5.) Does your family and friends read your book?
Yes! First time my mother saw one of my *ahem* lovely scenes, she stared at me really hard for about ten minutes. Then told me I got all my moves from her. I laughed until I cried. I don’t think. until then, I really thought about how my family could view my material. It’s amazing to have their support.
6.) What are you currently working on? Do you have a release date yet? Title?
Good news: I’m working with Olivia on Corporate Hitman 3: Jack!
7.) What inspired you to become an author?
I needed an escape. I had some time in my life where I was severely bullied and writing, or reading, allowed me to escape into a better place. My life line turned into a passion that I just couldn’t get away from, even when I was far away from my bullied days. I am forever appreciative for that.
8.) Tell us a little about yourself.
Okay, hardest question by far. I am a crazy, high-energy person. Like, Olivia literally has to tell me half the time to take a step back and relax. I love it though, because I see the world in some amazing ways and it helps shape the type of writer I am. On top of that, I’m addicted to stand-up comedy. You make me laugh and you’ve got a friend for life.
This or That: (Just for Fun)
1.) Erotic Novels or New Adult? Hard one right there...New Adult
2.) Paranormal or Sci-fi? Paranormal
3.) Cat or Dog? Dogs in the house!
4.) Night or Day? Night owl
5.) Winter or Summer? Summer!
6.) Vampires or Werewolf? Both! Sorry, I can’t choose on that one.

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