Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tied Up by: Elle Vaughn Blog Tour with Interview

tiedupbanner Tied Up Cover.6 tiedupsynop Recently divorced and heartbroken, Charlie is starting over in a new city and job, ready to make a fresh start. Confidence shattered and having lost all hope for having love in her life, she decides to focus on her career. Things finally start looking up for her when she lands a contract with successful environmental corporation, Galloway & Associates. But when she meets her new client, Ian ignites desires inside her that she’s never known before. A rich and powerful businessman, Ian is determined to make Charlie his, despite her protests. Not wanting to put her new job in jeopardy, Charlie refuses Ian’s repeated attempts to gain her attention. But Ian’s used to getting his way and will not give up so easily. There's no denying that Charlie wants Ian as much as he wants her - but she doesn't want romance and the heartache that comes along with it. Ian’s naked hunger for her brings out a primal side of her that she’s never experienced before and she likes it. Charlie will give Ian what he wants, but only if he agrees to surrenders himself to her. Willingly give himself up to Charlie and allow her to explore her darkest fantasies. If Ian wants Charlie, he's going to have to relinquish the control he's used to and submit to her every demand - and desire. 15b83-goodreads

My Interview:
Thank you so much for taking time to answer my questions!!!
1.)  So can you tell us how you came up with the idea for this book? The Title?
I actually remember the exact moment I thought of the idea for Tied Up. My son was about six months and he was having a hard night. It was about ten at night and I was driving up and down the small road near our house that leads to the airport. I was thinking about some of the books I enjoyed reading recently and I thought, “I just wished they gave the woman more control.” Then I was like “Hey! That would be fun book to write!” Then I couldn’t stop thinking about to and got started writing it. The title was originally going to be Control. But it didn’t feel right. Tied Up popped into my brain and it felt perfect.
2.)  Who is your favorite character in this book and why?
Charlie is my hero. She was dealt with some hard moments and life and she overcame them. She’s sweet and sexy. I love her!
3.)  Is this book different from the others you have written in the past? If so how?
Yes. I’ve never written about a woman being in control sexually before. It was so fun to write.
4.)  What is your favorite genre to write and why?
Contemporary romance! It’s hot and sexy!
5.)  Do your family and friends read your book?
Very few. I have shared it with a couple friends and a couple family members. My writing is a little too much for most people I know so I tend to keep it to myself.
6.)  What are you currently working on? Do you have a release date yet? Title?
I’m actively working on the second book in the Galloway Brothers trilogy and the follow up book to Tied Up. It’s called Hands Tied and features Graham. No release date yet, but I’m shooting for March, 2015.
7.)  What inspired you to become an author?
I’ve loved reading since I can remember. I’m obsessed with books. I wrote constantly when I was younger and dreamed of becoming a writer. As I got older I decided I needed to “be an adult” and forget about my silly dreams of writing. But when my mom was diagnosed in 2010 with stage four breast cancer, she pushed me to write again. She told me that life is too short to not be doing what you love to do. She asked me if I would start pursuing my writing again and I told her I would. I released my first novella, Taming Anna, in October of 2013. My mom was thrilled (Even though she wasn’t allowed to read it!). I feel so grateful that I was able to show her that I was pursing my dream of becoming a writer before she passed away a few short months later. One day I’ll get brave a write about my mom…but I’m not there yet.
8.)  Tell us a little about yourself.
My husband and I just celebrated our five year anniversary and we have a lively two year old boy who’s the love of my life and keeps me unbelievably humble. I’m a huge nerd and not afraid to admit it. I’m a star trek, star wars, buffy, angel, firefly, and anime fan! I love the Colorado outdoors and spend as much time outside as possible running, hiking, and (attempting) to snowboard. When I’m not doing that or typing away on my laptop I’m usually watching trashy reality shows.

This or That: (Just for Fun)
1.)  Erotic Novels or New Adult?
Erotic novels ;)
2.) Paranormal or Sci-fi?
3.) Cat or Dog?
4.) Night or Day?
5.) Winter or Summer?
6.) Vampires or Werewolf?
Vampires! :D 

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        d4da0-icon_amazon tieduptrail https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=430hvMBmFLs&feature=youtu.be tiedupbio Elle Vaughn is an avid book lover - especially romance novels. She's the author of the Anna and Quinton novella series and is always working on a new story project. When she's not lost in her character creations she can be found chasing around her toddler, being outside in the Colorado outdoors, gardening and attempting to cook for her family! ellepic Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElleVaughnAuthor Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7361406.Elle_Vaughn?from_search=true

Twitter: @ElleVaughn OTHER BOOKS BY ELLE: chasinganna Tamimganna secretguardian FB Profile Pic for Jen

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